About Mar Vista
Hi Welcome to Mar Vista! Or at least, welcome to my little corner of the Internet version of Mar Vista. We’re a small-ish neighborhood in the City of Los Angeles, 50-60,000 residents, depending on who you ask, often overshadowed by our more famous neighbors: Venice Beach, Marina del Rey, Culver City, and Santa Monica.
Not to mention the rest of West Los Angeles, which we’re often lumped in with.
But Mar Vista is a terrific place to live for those exact reasons: we’re close to many cool places, services, the 405, the beach. But it still feels like a little neighborhood here.
I’ve lived here since 1996 and I really love it. I’ve seen huge changes happen in the neighborhood in those years and on the whole they’ve been changes for the good.

About Mar Vista Mom
I’m married and my husband and I have raised our 2 sons here. I started this blog in 2008, which makes it pretty old in Blog Years.
I was the Founding President of the Mar Vista Chamber of Commerce and will be a supporter of Small Businesses the rest of my life. I believe that a prosperous business community supports a better way of life for the entire community. And let’s face it: most of these local businesses are owned by Mar Vistans, so supporting them supports our neighbors.
I was once a member of the Mar Vista Community Council Board of Directors because I love this community so much, and I was the PTA President at Grand View Elementary for years while my kids attended the Spanish Immersion program.
And OK, I was also President of the parents’ group at Venice High School when my kids attended. I may have a problem with over-volunteering…
Once upon a time, I used to work on TV shows and movies, which is what brought me to Los Angeles back in 1990. I still love TV and movies, but now I just watch them. When I have the time…
I co-Founded MomsLA.com in 2010, which is the go-to site for Los Angeles parents looking for info on Summer Camps, Birthday Party Ideas, and Things To Do with Kids. I hope you’ll check it out!
In terms of disclosure – Mar Vista Mom is a business, and as such must generate income. Therefore I sell products of my own, affiliate products, and advertising. If I have been compensated to post something on Mar Vista Mom, you will know it. That content will be clearly marked as sponsored. Which means if you don’t see anything saying it’s Sponsored Content, then it’s not.
My basic policy is that I publish content about free events, public schools and public school fundraisers for free. If you charge a fee for what you’re asking me to promote, then I do, too.
I love to hear from my readers, so please feel free to email me at Sarah @ MarVistaMom.com. Thanks for reading!
~ Sarah Auerswald